English language

How to pronounce secularization in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms secularisation
Type of change
Derivation secularize
Type Words
Synonyms secularisation
Type of transfer, transference
Derivation secularize

Examples of secularization

We are not immune to the forces of secularization that are being felt in Europe.
From the theatlantic.com
Harvard, from which I would get a summa in biology, completed my secularization.
From the time.com
However, in 1528 the Abbey was secularization during the Protestant Reformation.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Theologian, Gogarten sees in secularization two separate but related processes.
From the time.com
After 1945, the country underwent a process of gradual but steady secularization.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It was the use of poetry that led to the secularization of these performances.
From the kentucky.com
This together with the secularization issue gave rise to the Criollo Insurgencies.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Grucci vice president Philip Butler opposes the secularization of Christmas.
From the kansas.com
It forbade the secularization of land and property belonging to the Catholic Church.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
  • The activity of changing something (art or education or society or morality etc.) so it is no longer under the control or influence of religion
  • Transfer of property from ecclesiastical to civil possession
  • (secularize) make secular and draw away from a religious orientation; "Ataturk secularized Turkey"
  • The process of organizing society or aspects of social life around non-religious values or principles. ...
  • The anti-clericalism and de-Christianization policies created a deep and lasting gulf in France pitting the two sides against each other. This had a social and political expression too. Socialists and trade unionists throughout continental Europe have tended to be atheists. ...
  • In ST, the tendency of certain advanced societies to lose their religious commitment in the long term. In RCT, the tendency of religious organizations to lose tension and commitment and become churches or denominations, at which point new sects and cults grow up to replace them.
  • A process in which religious consciousness, activities, and institutions lose social significance
  • The progressive substituting of non-religious and frequently scientific interpretations of events for the traditional religious ones (Wulff). ...
  • The declining influence of religion in society.