You only need a member's nomination, a seconder and $66 to be on the waiting list.
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One night at Ziggy's, after a routine 6-seconder, things didn't feel right.
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All prospective members have to be nominated by a proposer and a seconder.
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Sir Simon Jenkins, the chairman of the National Trust, who was Myners's seconder, has not, however, stood down.
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They might have cheered loudly in his home town of Charters Towers but in Canberra, Katter could not get a seconder.
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If Oakeshott could find someone to nominate him and a seconder, then the Coalition would support him in a ballot against Slipper.
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If a suggestion doesn't find a seconder within one week, it can be archived in the PPR Archives to make way for new suggestions.
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When a climber has reached the top of a climb an anchor must be set up to allow the leader to bring up the seconder safely.
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Seconder takes leader off belay.
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More examples
Someone who endorses a motion or petition as a necessary preliminary to a discussion or vote
In deliberative bodies a second to a proposed motion is an indication that there is at least one person besides the mover that is interested in seeing the motion come before the meeting. It does not necessarily indicate that the seconder favors the motion.
The person who makes a second to a motion in any formal procedure, such as a parliamentary procedure
(Seconders) two people who speak after the proposer and opposer, one for and one against the motion.
A Member who formally supports a Private Member's Motion in the House. The Member does not actually need to speak in order to support a motion but may simply indicate his or her consent. Government motions and motions in committee do not require seconders.