English language

How to pronounce scintillate in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms twinkle, winkle
Type of beam, shine
Derivation scintillation, scintilla, scintillant
Type Words
Synonyms coruscate, sparkle
Type of reflect, shine
Derivation scintillation, scintillant
Type Words
Synonyms coruscate, sparkle
Type of be
Derivation scintillation
Type Words
Type of give out, emit, give off
Verb group twinkle, winkle
Derivation scintillation

the substance scintillated sparks and flashes.
Type Words
Type of fluoresce
Derivation scintillation

Examples of scintillate

It seems they didn't exactly scintillate.
From the independent.co.uk
His creations glitter and scintillate.
From the guardian.co.uk
Each of its brittle, brilliant songs sting and scintillate by turns and this youthful cast project them powerfully with unamplified grace and power.
From the express.co.uk