English language

How to pronounce schnecken in English?

die erntezeit ist die zeit der wahrheit
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Type Words
Synonyms caramel bun, honey bun, sticky bun
Type of coffee roll, sweet roll

Examples of schnecken

Let's repair to the Stage Deli and decimate some schnecken while I hold court.
From the denverpost.com
A pecan schnecken, pastry loaded with gooey nuts.
From the denverpost.com
We visited less and less the older I got, and my father's mother never went along, although she'd ask us to pick up schnecken from her favorite German bakery.
From the usatoday.com
More examples
  • Honey bun: rolled dough spread with sugar and nuts then sliced and baked in muffin tins with honey or sugar and butter in the bottom
  • Schnecken were a traditional Saturday morning treat in German homes at the beginning of the 20th century, and were commonly found in the Jewish immigrant communities in the Philadelphia and Baltimore areas. The name Schnecken in German means snails, and refers to the shape of the pastry. ...