We just need to be able to share with the consumer the safeness of our product.
From the chron.com
There are no truly safe assets, only ones with varying degrees of safeness.
From the economist.com
Love Love Love has precious few, apart from its bland safeness in uncertain, precarious times.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Children who react badly to illnesses may be just as likely to react badly to the vaccination given to them, so where was the help or safeness?
From the bbc.co.uk
Indeed, despite Craig-Martin's accusations of the blandness of commercial designers, some of the posters here are themselves afflicted by a corporate safeness.
From the telegraph.co.uk
He could come to some philosophical certainty with respect to the safeness of crossing the street but that is not the same as seeing that it is safe to cross the street.
From the evangelicaloutpost.com
Avelox has a ooze-characterized safeness describe, which has been intentional in across 14,000 patients in clinical trials and 92,000 patients in support marketing observation studies.