English language

How to pronounce run along in English?

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Synonyms line
Type of lie
Has types rim

Examples of run along

run along
Their questions run along similar lines, yet Welsh answers each with enthusiasm.
From the washingtonpost.com
Entrants in the 2005 Eppie's Great Race run along the American River bike trail.
From the sacbee.com
The corrugations run along x, providing an effective response in that direction.
From the nature.com
Parallel filaments resembling the barbs in bird feathers run along their length.
From the newscientist.com
Then, the story goes, a few townsfolk begin to run upstream along the riverbank.
From the washingtontimes.com
Would they run their fingers along shelves and inspect the backs of the toilets?
From the guardian.co.uk
If you're not squeamish, run your fingers along the stems and squash the aphids.
From the chron.com
I wanted to run another individual event along with the 800 and the relays I do.
From the dailyherald.com
The plant has been run mostly by American managers, along with some from Sweden.
From the latimes.com