English language

How to pronounce run a risk in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms adventure, chance, gamble, hazard, risk, take a chance, take chances
Type of assay, attempt, essay, seek, try
Has types luck through, go for broke, luck it

Examples of run a risk

run a risk
I think it is safe to say that I do not run a great risk of being labelled cool.
From the nzherald.co.nz
So if their franchises are revoked, they run a greater risk of closing for good.
From the washingtontimes.com
If you wear a halter top, you run the risk that people will not notice the sign.
From the kentucky.com
Any run on money funds could pose a risk to millions of investors and companies.
From the dailyherald.com
How aware must a patient be to run the risk of long-lasting trauma from surgery?
From the newscientist.com
Follow through on promises or run the risk of being tagged as a nine-day wonder.
From the kansas.com
But Bertelsmann will run a risk as the Internet becomes pervasive in business.
From the economist.com
Ammonia is just used to keep the PH right so you don't run a risk of food illness.
From the eatocracy.cnn.com
Republicans run a risk of looking too sympathetic to the oil industry, Lanoue said.
From the bloomberg.com