English language

How to pronounce retroflexion in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms retroflection
Type of articulation
Derivation retroflex
Type Words
Synonyms retroflection
Type of movement, motility, motion, move
Derivation retroflex
Type Words
Synonyms retroflection, retroversion
Type of abnormality, abnormalcy

Examples of retroflexion

Actual retroflexion may occur as well and both occur as variations of the same sound.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Retroflexion identified an additional 68 polyps and 54 adenomatous polyps.
From the sciencedaily.com
Retroflexion describes a technique where the colonoscope bends backwards to examine the colon.
From the sciencedaily.com
Rather, the study is a description of the success rate, yield and safety of right colon retroflexion.
From the sciencedaily.com
The researchers analyzed predictors of successful retroflexion and polyp detection using logistic regression analysis.
From the sciencedaily.com
In retroflexion, the tip of the colonoscope is in a deflected position to better visualize the proximal side of the colon's anatomy.
From the sciencedaily.com
Importantly, 41 percent of the patients who had polyps identified on retroflexion had negative exams on forward examination.
From the sciencedaily.com
In the study, of a total of 1000 patients who underwent colonoscopy, retroflexion in the right side of the colon was successful in 945 patients.
From the sciencedaily.com
When the colonoscope was in retroflexion, it was slowly withdrawn and polyps identified were removed and sent for histological examination.
From the sciencedaily.com
More examples
  • Retroversion: a turning or tilting backward of an organ or body part; "retroversion of the uterus"
  • Retroflection: an articulatory gesture made by turning the tip of the tongue back against the roof of the mouth
  • Retroflection: the act of bending backward
  • In phonetics, retroflex consonants are consonant sounds used in some languages. (They are sometimes referred to as cerebral consonants, especially in Indology. ...
  • Latin retro = backwards, and flexion = bent; hence, the position of being bent backwards, applied to the angulation of the body of the uterus on the cervix.