This pollen tube bursting expels sperm cells from inside the pollen tube, so sperm can then fertilize the female reproductive cell.
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A reproductive cell, which is created in a process called meiosis, usually contains only one of those chromatids of each chromosome.
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They range from a few millimeters long with twenty to thirty cells that include anterior attachment cells and a long central reproductive cell called an axial cell.
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Stem cell research, reproductive cloning, and germline engineering are all currently being explored.
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In his time as president of Rockefeller, the university started research programs in reproductive biology, cell biology, molecular biology and the neurosciences.
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In animals and plants, fertilization relies on complex and specialized mechanisms that allow the precise delivery of the male reproductive sperm cell to the female egg cell.
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At this point they initiate the reproductive cycle, resulting in lysis of the host cell.
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On the one hand, reproductive cloning continues the cell division process to the birth of a whole new organism possessing the exact same DNA as the host.
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But, in the future, all infertile couples will be able to be treated thanks to a combining of stem cell and reproductive research, he says.