English language

How to pronounce replete in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms instinct

it is replete with misery.
Type Words
Synonyms full
Type Words
Synonyms fill, sate, satiate
Type of take in, have, ingest, consume, take
Has types pall, cloy
Derivation repletion

Examples of replete

Salvation is replete with cynical simulations of innocence, freedom and dissent.
From the time.com
The opera is replete with references to American folk, ragtime and saloon music.
From the sacbee.com
Matter of fact, this city's sports history is replete with impressive comebacks.
From the usatoday.com
It had been a particularly up-and-down morning, replete with timeouts and tears.
From the nytimes.com
Carmakers now prefer explicit subsidies, and the world is replete with examples.
From the economist.com
Patrick's Day, replete with bagpipes, green-and-white flowers and Guinness beer.
From the sacbee.com
A Mayan Apocalypse replete with fire dancers, go-go boys and warrior sacrifices?
From the huffingtonpost.com
Why do so many of us hold limiting stories replete with toxic thinking patterns?
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
Zizkov is a place of convivial dives, replete with beer served in plastic cups.
From the time.com
More examples
  • Full: filled to satisfaction with food or drink; "a full stomach"
  • Satiate: fill to satisfaction; "I am sated"
  • Instinct(p): (followed by `with')deeply filled or permeated; "imbued with the spirit of the Reformation"; "words instinct with love"; "it is replete with misery"
  • A plerergate is a polymorph of an ant, also known as a replete or rotund, characterized by an enlarged abdominal area (the crop of the gullet) for the purpose of food storage. This occurs in honey ants.
  • To restore something that has been depleted; Abounding; Gorged, filled to near the point of bursting, especially with food or drink
  • (adj.) full, abundant (The unedited version was replete with naughty words.)
  • Fully or abundantly provided or filled; worker ant that stores liquid food in its abdomen; ant repletes remain permanently in the nest while other workers gather and transfer food to them (example: honeypot ants)
  • A regular map is said to be replete if there is a rotation that fixes one face but not all faces, and a rotation that fixes one vertex but not all vertices.
  • Adj. (usually postpositive) 1. (often foll. by with) copiously supplied (with); abounding (in). 2. having one's appetite completely or excessively satisfied by food and drink; stuffed; gorged; satiated [C14: from Latin repletus, from replere to refill, from RE- + plere to fill].