English language

How to pronounce reflex action in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms inborn reflex, innate reflex, instinctive reflex, physiological reaction, reflex, reflex response, unconditioned reflex
Type of reaction, response
Has types babinski reflex, babinski sign, belch, belching, blink, blinking, blush, breaking wind, burp, burping, defecation reflex, disgorgement, electric shock, electrical shock, emesis, eructation, eye blink, fart, farting, flatus, flush, gag reflex, goose bump, goose pimple, goose skin, goosebump, gooseflesh, gulp, gulping, hiccough, hiccup, horripilation, jump, knee-jerk reflex, knee jerk, light reflex, micturition reflex, miosis, mydriasis, myosis, myotactic reflex, nictation, nictitation, oscitance, oscitancy, patellar reflex, pharyngeal reflex, pilomotor reflex, plantar reflex, puking, pupillary reflex, rectal reflex, regurgitation, rooting reflex, shake, shiver, shock, singultus, sneeze, sneezing, start, startle, sternutation, stretch reflex, suckling reflex, tremble, vomit, vomiting, wind, wink, winking, yawn, accommodation reflex, yawning, babinski

Examples of reflex action

reflex action
It may simply be to frustrate Mugabe's perceived enemies, like a reflex action.
From the guardian.co.uk
Muscles which are stretched respond by contracting by a reflex action.
From the en.wikipedia.org
You can catch a bass by making them mad, reflex action, surprising them.
From the news-journalonline.com
He believes he survived only because of a reflex action that threw his arms up in self-defence.
From the telegraph.co.uk
It was a reflex action, it wasn't hard and I regretted it straight afterwards but I couldn't stop myself.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Randy's shoulder twitched on Whittle's touch, but the surgeons told him it was merely a reflex action.
From the usatoday.com
That movement is either caused by signals from the cerebellum in the brain or spinal reflex action.
From the newscientist.com
You have that reflex action whereby you laugh or you don't.
From the guardian.co.uk
Noticing what kinds of devices people are using, and how they're using them, is a reflex action for me.
From the suntimes.com