English language

How to pronounce redo in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms make over, refashion, remake
Type of make, produce, create
Has types remodel, recast, reforge
Type Words
Synonyms reconstruct, remodel
Type of alter, change, modify

Examples of redo

Cook told Whitsitt to redo the presentation with a greater emphasis on politics.
From the sacbee.com
The artist had to redo her original quilt to fit the show's required dimensions.
From the newsobserver.com
It's much easier to redo an existing house than to start from scratch, she said.
From the washingtonpost.com
If it has drifted, then adjust the pressure to the O-rings and redo Steps 64-66.
From the nature.com
You're going to have failures that cause you to redo using that but we're wrong.
From the iftomm2003.com
We don't allow voters to redo their ballots once they leave the polling station.
From the latimes.com
Facing the lawsuit, the district board announced a redo of the closed meetings.
From the news-journalonline.com
Nafta will also be a factor in Michigan if Democrats redo that state's primary.
From the businessweek.com
Was he thinking it was like a pickup game at the Y and they might redo the teams?
From the bostonherald.com
More examples
  • Remake: make new; "She is remaking her image"
  • Remodel: do over, as of (part of) a house; "We are remodeling these rooms"
  • Undo is a command in many computer programs. It erases the last change done to the document reverting it to an older state. In some more advanced programs such as graphic processing, undo will negate the last command done to the file being edited.
  • (Redos) The regular expression denial of service (ReDoS)
  • A repeated action; a doing again, refurbishment, etc; To do again
  • A curved arrow in the text editing tool bar which allows you to repeat what was just undone
  • Redoes/Repeats the last action, which has been undone.
  • Use this icon to redo a mistaken undo. You can press it multiple times in a row to step forward one edit at a time. It's only available to use after you've used the undo icon.
  • A facility which redoes the previous actions by the user.