English language

How to pronounce red-blooded in English?

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Synonyms full-blooded, hearty, lusty

Examples of red-blooded

The real risk in a Lula victory is not red-blooded socialism but weak government.
From the economist.com
It was real romance, the stuff of true red-blooded love between a man and a woman.
From the mirror.co.uk
I am one red-blooded Australian who says no and who speaks for 90% of Australians.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It is enough to make a red-blooded conservative choke on his spotted-owl drumstick.
From the economist.com
Pretty sure every red blooded American has played Tecmo Bowl at some point in time.
From the techcrunch.com
And it's not as if red-blooded men get any kind of pleasure from seeing that, do we?
From the hecklerspray.com
Red-blooded, boozed-up football fans would gladly raise a fist in agreement.
From the businessweek.com
Outlandish though it may sound now, red-blooded capitalism must be part of the answer.
From the charlotteobserver.com
First the 10th Amendment was a red-blooded heterosexual decree with tea party backing.
From the sacbee.com