English language

How to pronounce recrudescence in English?

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Type Words
Type of eruption, irruption, outbreak
Derivation recrudesce, recrudescent

a recrudescence of racism.
a recrudescence of the symptoms.

Examples of recrudescence

The Democrats'victories do not signal a liberal recrudescence in the republic.
From the edition.cnn.com
This recrudescence of the investiture conflict was settled by the Concordat of 1801.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Amid the hope of an energy-led recrudescence, there remains the heavy hand of government.
From the forbes.com
Barack Obama, who might be mercifully closing the Clinton parenthesis in presidential history, is refreshingly cerebral amid this recrudescence of the paranoid style in politics.
From the dailyherald.com
However, a similar effort to cleanse the west of imperial-age dogmas and attitudes has barely begun, as the recrudescence of a bellicose neo-imperialism in our time shows.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
  • A return of something after a period of abatement; "a recrudescence of racism"; "a recrudescence of the symptoms"
  • (recrudesce) break: happen; "Report the news as it develops"; "These political movements recrudesce from time to time"
  • (recrudesce) erupt: become raw or open; "He broke out in hives"; "My skin breaks out when I eat strawberries"; "Such boils tend to recrudesce"
  • Recrudescence 1. Revival of material or behavior that had previously quiesced.
  • The acute recurrence of a disease, or its symptoms, after a period of improvement
  • (recrudescent) breaking out again or reemerging after temporary abatement or suppression; growing raw, sore, or painful again
  • (recrudesce) of a disease, sore, or hostile feeling, to break out again.
  • A repeated attack of malaria due to the survival of malaria parasites in red blood cells.
  • Reappearance of disease in a host whose infection has been quiescent