This may be used to foreground the patient, recipient, or other thematic role.
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Merely sensing discord, whether in the role of inflictor or recipient, pained them enough.
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Before the game starts, a coin toss determines which player is in the role of the donor and which one is in the role of the recipient.
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The message sent to the address must be relevant to the role, functions or duties of the recipient.
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The judges felt that Vaughan was an exceptional role model, outstanding young man and perfect recipient for this special award.
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The cause of DGF is poorly understood, with both non-immunological factors such as cause of death, donor age, recipient race, and immunological factors, playing a role.
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These studies have almost exclusively focused on the male, with the female's role largely ignored or marginalised to a somewhat passive recipient of the male's attention.
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The recipient must be a teacher who works directly with students and must be working in a certified teacher role.
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California, with its large university system and leading role in defense, energy and space exploration research, is the largest recipient of federal research dollars.