English language

How to pronounce rate in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms grade, order, place, range, rank
Type of judge, pass judgment, evaluate
Has types seed, sequence, shortlist, subordinate, superordinate, upgrade, prioritise, prioritize, reorder, downgrade

The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide.
Type Words
Synonyms pace
Type of temporal property
Has types slowness, rapidness, rapidity, quickness, speed, speediness, swiftness, fastness, deliberation, unhurriedness, deliberateness, celerity, beat, sluggishness

he works at a great rate.
the pace of events accelerated.
Type Words
Synonyms charge per unit
Type of charge
Has types freightage, depreciation rate, exchange rate, excursion rate, footage, freight, freight rate, installment rate, interest rate, linage, lineage, pay rate, payment rate, rate of depreciation, rate of exchange, rate of interest, rate of pay, rate of payment, repayment rate, room rate, tax rate

a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5.
Type Words
Synonyms value
Type of appraise, assess, value, measure, valuate, evaluate
Has types revalue
Derivation rating

How would you rate his chances to become President?.
Gold was rated highly among the Romans.
Type Words
Type of magnitude relation, quantitative relation
Has types data rate, rate of flow, rate of growth, rate of inflation, death rate, deathrate, deceleration, rate of respiration, rate of return, velocity, respiratory rate, rev, revolutions per minute, thz, rpm, sampling rate, sed rate, sedimentation rate, attrition rate, dose rate, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, esr, wpm, birth rate, terahertz, fatality rate, fertility, fertility rate, flow, flow rate, flux, birthrate, bits per second, bps, acceleration, frequence, frequency, gait, gc, gigacycle, ghz, gigacycle per second, gigahertz, growth rate, heart rate, hertz, hz, inflation rate, words per minute, jerk, kc, khz, kilocycle, kilocycle per second, kilohertz, kilometers per hour, kilometres per hour, km/h, knot, kph, cps, crime rate, mc, megacycle, megacycle per second, megahertz, metabolic rate, mhz, miles per hour, mortality, mortality rate, mph, natality, oftenness, pace, cycle, cycle per second, tempo, pulse, pulse rate, solar constant, cycles/second, rate of attrition, speed, spacing

they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour.
the rate of change was faster than expected.
Type Words
Type of proportion

the literacy rate.
the retention rate.
the dropout rate.
Type Words
Type of be
Derivation rating

This bond rates highly.

Examples of rate

Know the weather forecast, never travel alone and drive at a safe rate of speed.
From the dailyherald.com
His own preference is to hire younger officers trained up from a lower pay rate.
From the dailyherald.com
Vick gained a lot of yards with his running ability, but his sack rate was high.
From the stltoday.com
The district set preschool tuition at more than $300 less than this year's rate.
From the stltoday.com
Lawmakers have made plain they don't intend to give up their rate-setting power.
From the newsday.com
Nearly double is generally needed to significantly reduce the unemployment rate.
From the thenewstribune.com
My support group was so powerful and, by the way, had a phenomenal success rate.
From the sacbee.com
Among those ideas were more frequent rate adjustments and a bigger reserve fund.
From the thenewstribune.com
No other 2A school with more than three appearances can match that success rate.
From the thenewstribune.com
More examples
  • A magnitude or frequency relative to a time unit; "they traveled at a rate of 55 miles per hour"; "the rate of change was faster than expected"
  • Assign a rank or rating to; "how would you rank these students?"; "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"
  • Amount of a charge or payment relative to some basis; "a 10-minute phone call at that rate would cost $5"
  • Be worthy of or have a certain rating; "This bond rates highly"
  • Estimate the value of; "How would you rate his chances to become President?"; "Gold was rated highly among the Romans"
  • Pace: the relative speed of progress or change; "he lived at a fast pace"; "he works at a great rate"; "the pace of events accelerated"
  • Young Earth creationists have made a number of claims in the field of geophysics, mostly related to the age of the Earth and flood geology. ...
  • In mathematics, a rate is a ratio between two measurements, often with different units. . If the unit or quantity in respect of which something is changing is not specified, usually the rate is per unit time. ...
  • The rating system of the Royal Navy and its predecessors was used by the British Royal Navy between the beginning of the 17th century and the middle of the 19th century to categorise sailing warships, initially classing them according to their assigned complement of men, and later according to ...