English language

How to pronounce rat race in English?

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Type of modus operandi, routine

Examples of rat race

rat race
The book described a rat race in which the victors were merely the best of breed.
From the time.com
Too often they take what they believe is a well-deserved break from the rat race.
From the time.com
A stay at Otahuna Lodge feels very much like a luxurious escape from the rat race.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Meanwhile, it's unclear how long parents will have to compete in the rug rat race.
From the sciencedaily.com
Charley Campbell held up a Miller Lite and said he was here to watch the rat race.
From the nytimes.com
By the next Christmas we'd given up the rat race and bought a yacht in Turkey.
From the guardian.co.uk
More moms today are deciding to stay home from the rat race to raise the kids.
From the time.com
Rat race is too genteel a word to describe what this society has morphed into.
From the business.time.com
Ah yes, there's nothing like a lazy Sunday to get recharged for the rat race.
From the sacbee.com