English language

How to pronounce put-upon in English?

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Synonyms exploited, ill-used, used, victimised, victimized

Examples of put-upon

My grandmother insisted that I save my money to put in the bank upon our return.
From the dailyherald.com
Columbia broke up as well after severe stresses were put upon it during reentry.
From the newscientist.com
Its political philosophy is utilitarian, reflecting the value put upon outcomes.
From the economist.com
This was never a legitimate idea and adds to the shame put upon us as a country.
From the sacbee.com
They put on layer upon layer of clothing, the age of which matters not one whit.
From the morningstaronline.co.uk
As the put-upon maid, Moira Berman shows comedic talent with her droll delivery.
From the theargus.co.uk
Officials ask that no one take it upon themselves to put any fish into the lake.
From the omaha.com
I took any chance of physical pain and suffering from her and put it upon myself.
From the washingtontimes.com
Money which is agreed upon is put into their account the first day of each month.
From the gothamgal.com