Love is a pretty expansive purlieu after all, and she's chasing anger, hate and lust too.
From the
The rangers are sometimes said to be patrollers of the purlieu.
From the
In fact she did many things that biological mothers do but which didn't fall within my mother's purlieu.
From the
Both mishaps fell within Mrs Spelman's purlieu.
From the
A lifelong Democrat, Vance is a product of the Eastern Establishment that regards foreign policy as its special purlieu.
From the
More examples
Environs: an outer adjacent area of any place
Purlieu is a term used of the outlying parts of a place or district. It was a term of the old Forest law, and meant, as defined by John Manwood, Treatise of the Lawes of the Forest (1598, 4th ed. ...
The ground on the edges of a forest, especially when partly subject to the same forest laws concerning game hunting etc; The outskirts of any place; an adjacent district; the environs or neighborhood
[Probably from Anglo-Norman purale] 1. historical A tract of land on the border of a forest, esp. one formerly included within the forest boundaries, and still partly subject to the forest laws. 2 An outlying district of a city or town, a suburb. ...