Puka shells are round shells with center holes, strung together to make popular necklaces.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Landscaping will include at least 123 trees, including karaka, ponga, broadleaf, rewarewa and puka.
From the nzherald.co.nz
And watching kids have fun with tourist trinkets like fake leis or puka shell necklaces was a treat.
From the ocregister.com
In Hawaii these natural beads were traditionally collected from the beach drift in order to make puka shell jewelry.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It may be regional, but it does warm the heart, and I would rather call my grandkids little puka kids than zeroes, aughties or Oh's.
From the omaha.com
Today, we have puka shell necklaces and puka dogs, so it seems only natural for us to have the puka decade, puka kids and the puka generation.
From the omaha.com
They played baseball, football and basketball, took art classes and hula lessons and made exquisite flowers out of the tiny puka shells unearthed from the days when the camp site was under water.
From the sacbee.com
More examples
South American shrub or small tree having long shining evergreen leaves and panicles of green or yellow flowers
The Pu00FAca (Irish for spirit/ghost), Pooka, Phouka, Phooka, Phooca, Puca or Pu00FAka, is primarily a creature of Irish folklore. Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they could either help or hinder rural and marine communities. The creatures were said to be shape changers which could take the appearance of black horses, goats and rabbits...
The Puku (Kobus vardonii) is an antelope found in wet grasslands in southern Democratic Republic of Congo and in Zambia.
Puka or Pukanui (Meryta sinclairii (Hook.f.) Seem.) is a large-leaved evergreen tree endemic to New Zealand that grows to about 8 m tall, with the distinctly tropical appearance typical of the genus. ...
Snow that is like salt and doesn't stick
Hole. Necklaces made of shells with holes, called puka shells