He has very publically and expensively been proven to have been wrongly accused.
From the metro.co.uk
But please, if you're going to speak publically, don't be such an ignorant thug.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Lord McAlpine was publically named with regard to these allegations in the 1990s.
From the guardian.co.uk
It's not something any coach or general manager would care to admit publically.
From the orlandosentinel.com
At this time telecom cannot comment on devices it has not publically announced.
From the scoop.co.nz
Speek up against his regime publically and see if your business is not prosecuted.
From the economist.com
It was an event shared publically by the world and suffered privately by too many.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
For the most part, information presented publically during the spill was accurate.
From the sciencedaily.com
If what you said publically is false, then it should also be publically discussed.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
Publicly: in a manner accessible to or observable by the public; openly; "she admitted publicly to being a communist"
Public is a word in the English language, either an adjective or a noun with these meanings:- (adjective) "of or pertaining to the people; (adjective) "relating to, or affecting, a nation, state, or community";nopposed to "private";n(noun) "the people of a nation not affiliated with the ...