English language

How to pronounce propellent in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms propellant, propelling, propulsive
Derivation propel
Type Words
Synonyms propellant
Type of substance
Has types rocket fuel, rocket propellant, compressed gas, rocket propellent
Derivation propel

Examples of propellent

The propellent force in his songs is to reach and grab a New York audience.
From the time.com
I believe hydrazine is a mono-propellent used as thrust to keep the craft in its correct orbit.
From the newscientist.com
The Turbo Cab could cost $19.95, come with 73 virgins, use the owner's smugness as a propellent.
From the online.wsj.com
The Russian Government paid for the cleanup of residual propellent in spent stages that impact downrange.
From the en.wikipedia.org
But often this anger functions as a propellent force, what hooks you in and moves you from line to line.
From the economist.com
In August last year, and with many hours invested in the task, Vukovich launched a 2.4m long rocket using a sugar propellent.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Bear in mind that the planes take along Hydrogen and Oxygen I think that qualifies it as a fuel but if you want to be pedantic we can call it a propellent.
From the newscientist.com
The report is often the most anticipated piece of economic news each month on Wall Street so the surprise figures provided a strong propellent for stocks.
From the washingtontimes.com
Some physicians and pharmacists, however, say they wouldn't be surprised to see patients rush to snag up the old inhalers, which use harmful chlorfluorocarbon as propellent.
From the stltoday.com
More examples
  • Propellant: tending to or capable of propelling; "propellant fuel for submarines"; "the faster a jet plane goes the greater its propulsive efficiency"; "universities...the seats of propulsive thought"
  • Propellant: any substance that propels
  • A propellant is a material that is used to move ("propel") an object. The material is usually expelled by gas pressure through a convergent,divergent nozzle. The pressure may be from a compressed gas, or a gas produced by a chemical reaction. ...