English language

How to pronounce processed cheese in English?

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Synonyms process cheese
Type of cheese

Examples of processed cheese

processed cheese
Processed cheese is a blend of young and ripened cheeses of different varieties.
From the theepochtimes.com
It came with a slice of cheddar that tasted like processed American cheese.
From the bloomberg.com
Processed American cheese is known more for its meltage properties than for its taste.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Isn't a little bit of cheese better for us than a processed cheese-flavoured product?
From the independent.co.uk
Her husband works in a factory producing the boxes that cover packets of processed cheese.
From the crookwellgazette.com.au
You should never settle for less than love, for bad medical care or for processed cheese.
From the timesunion.com
Peter Mandelson was apparently put off processed cheese at an early age.
From the guardian.co.uk
Processed cheese was traditionally used in grilled cheese sandwiches.
From the democratandchronicle.com
The acne sufferers ate more instant noodles, junk food, processed cheese and fried chicken.
From the telegraph.co.uk