English language

How to pronounce prison camp in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms prison farm, work camp
Type of camp
Type Words
Synonyms internment camp, pow camp, prisoner of war camp
Type of camp
Has types gulag

Examples of prison camp

prison camp
He was eventually sent to a prison camp in Japan near the shipyards of Nagasaki.
From the stltoday.com
An inmate who fails boot camp returns to prison to complete his or her sentence.
From the dailyherald.com
Two have been sentenced to prison, two others to boot camp and two to probation.
From the suntimes.com
As the fighting continued, America's prison camp in Bagram came under scrutiny.
From the economist.com
The two spent several months together in a prison camp near the Chinese border.
From the kansas.com
He has been serving a 15-year sentence in a prison camp near the Arctic Circle.
From the latimes.com
In its six weeks'existence, between 725 and 1,330 men died at the prison camp.
From the edition.cnn.com
The scene commemorates a wartime prison camp that once occupied the park land.
From the dispatch.com
Nacchio, now 61, reported to a prison camp in Minersville, Pa., in April 2009.
From the denverpost.com