Setting up your QR code printout using the new feature is actually pretty slick.
From the
But then I realized it was a printout from my computer as was my message to her.
From the
He's staring at a printout that says a lot about the city's attendance problems.
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She said she regrets not taking a printout with her to a Seder on Tuesday night.
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Instead of digging up old receipts, you can just send your accountant a printout.
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Two minutes later, I am incredulous when she shows me a printout of my responses.
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He had a messenger come over from his office with an actual printout of the list.
From the
Is the company required to give us a printout of our daily punch-in and punch-out?
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Afterward, the teacher gets a printout telling how well the student performed.
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More examples
The output of a computer in printed form
In information handling, a hard copy is a permanent reproduction, or copy, in the form of a physical object, of any media suitable for direct use by a person (in particular paper), of displayed or transmitted data. ...
A hard copy of a program or data set, printed on paper
Anything produced on a printer after being processed by a computer program. See Hardcopy.
Output produced by a computer printer, generally on continuous paper sheets. See also DUMPING.
An informal expression referring to almost anything printed by a computer peripheral device; any computer-generated hardcopy.
A paper copy of information that has been generated by the computer.
A term referring to the document output by the printer.