note the meticulous precision of his measurements.
Examples of precision
The Net is winning over mainstream advertisers with its computational precision.
From the
They are designed to keep men comfortable and keep their precision parts cooler.
From the
It rewards precision, does not flatter average kicking, and Mehrtens likes that.
From the
Champagne is an exquisite drink, made with delicate precision and infinite care.
From the
The manual gearchange is far from the best, rather notchy and lacking precision.
From the
The finales were sung with great quality and precision and were real highlights.
From the
Fighting at 154, against a taller, heavy-handed puncher with precision accuracy?
From the
Rosborough also ran for a score as Hightower executed the option with precision.
From the
Alan Littell, though he writes with feeling and precision, does not escape them.
From the
More examples
Preciseness: the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance; "he handled it with the preciseness of an automaton"; "note the meticulous precision of his measurements"
(precise) sharply exact or accurate or delimited; "a precise mind"; "specified a precise amount"; "arrived at the precise moment"
The precision of a value describes the number of digits that are used to express that value. In a scientific setting this would be the total number of digits (sometimes called the significant figures or significant digits) or, less commonly, the number of fractional digits or decimal places (the ...
Precision and recall are two widely used statistical classifications.
Precision is the authorized march of Royal Military College of Canada. It was composed in 1932 by Denise Chabot, wife of Major C. A. Chabot, a Royal Canadian Artillery officer on staff as professor of French at the College at the time. ...
In statistics, the term precision can mean a quantity defined in a specific way. This is in addition to its more general meaning in the contexts of accuracy and precision and of precision and recall. ...
The state of being precise or exact; exactness; the ability of a measurement to be reproduced consistently; the number of significant digits to which a value may be measured reliably; used for exact or precise measurement; made, or characterized by accuracy
(precise) exact, accurate; Of experimental results, consistent, clustered close together, agreeing with each other. This does not mean that they cluster near the true, correct, or accurate value
(Precise) Sharply or clearly defined. Having small experimental uncertainty. A precise measurement may still be inaccurate, if there were an unrecognized determinate error in the measurement (for example, a miscalibrated instrument). Compare: accurate.