They emit huge amounts of poison gas and ash, yet provide some of the most fertile land on Earth.
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Volcano ash can wreck jet engines, poison freshwater lakes and damage lungs.
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Dogwood, sassafras, white ash, sumacs, Virginia creeper, poison ivy and red maple make up most of the purples and reds.
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The native species include yarrow, Indian hemp, milkweed, white ash, sedge, Eastern white pine and Eastern poison ivy.
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Poison ivy can transmit droplets of the urushiol on particles of ash in the smoke if you burn the plant.
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Environmentalists have long argued that coal ash, which can contaminate groundwater and poison aquatic environments, should be stored in lined landfills.
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This was the night in which we saw Ryan Seacrest covered in ash, marvelled at the Jolie wardrobe and heard a malign crow pour poison into the ears of a befuddled Nick Nolte.
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The study also concluded that the coal ash caused contamination in surface waters and that accumulation of toxic contaminants in river sediment could poison fish.