You might say that the American plutocracy is experiencing its John Galt moment.
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In contrast, a deep, velvet-and-mahogany silence envelops the British plutocracy.
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The unfair plutocracy of the filthy rich must have surely hit a lot of raw nerves.
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It suits the corporate plutocracy very well to have the masses doped up and placid.
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What you have got now is not a democracy, but something akin to a plutocracy.
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Not to be confused with plutocracy, where rule is based solely on financial wealth.
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Enters Obama, trained as basketball player, and pet black of the plutocracy.
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It just doesn't happen to work if you think we are a democracy and not a plutocracy.
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Is the United States a democracy or plutocracy, with the country run by the wealthy?
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More examples
A political system governed by the wealthy people
(plutocratic) of or relating to or characteristic of a plutocrat
Plutocracy is rule by the wealthy, or power provided by wealth. The combination of both plutocracy and oligarchy is called plutarchy.
Government by the wealthy; A controlling class of the wealthy
The wealthy elite who dominate American politics by virtue of public officials' dependence on their campaign contributions, or by virtue of their ability to use their money to win major public office themselves. ...
Rule of those with wealth. Plutocracy is that form of government in which, instead of the people being represented by their elected officials, those with wealth "buy" the officials. Those officials then create laws and policies which produce obscene profits for the wealthy owners of corporations.
The rule of a society by its wealthiest people
A wealthy social class that controls or greatly influences the government of a society