The planet gear revolves around the axis of the carrier, driving the side gears.
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Torque is transmitted to the side gears through the planet gear.
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Watt adamantly opposed this and they circumvented the patent by their sun and planet gear in 1781.
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Murdoch also made innovations to the steam engine, including the sun and planet gear and D slide valve.
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The number of teeth in the planet gear is irrelevant.
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If the resistance at both wheels is equal, the planet gear revolves without spinning about its own axis, and both wheels turn at the same rate.
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Early Watt engines used Watt's patent sun and planet gear, rather than a simple crank, as use of the latter was protected by a patent owned by someone else.
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The cause of the accident was attributed to the catastrophic failure of the Main Rotor Gearbox as a result of a fatigue fracture of a second stage planet gear in the epicyclic module.
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Who knows, Nike might end up with the best line of outdoor gear on the planet.