An important factor affecting rumble is low-frequency resonance resulting from pickup arm mass bouncing against stylus compliance.
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We walked to the pickup and Oscar grabbed my arm, hard, digging his thick fingers into my muscle.
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Hit in the right arm and chest, Hunter fled to his nearby pickup truck.
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Revox also produced amplifiers, a very expensive FM tuner, and a pickup with a special parallel-arm mechanism of their own design.
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The teen was stabbed in the arm, and the 44-year-old boyfriend was struck by a pickup and dragged 120 feet.
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Initially, Jacobson said a dog in the back seat of her pickup jumped over the seat to get a Cheeto, bumping her arm.
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His son hurt his arm trying to stop her in his pickup truck, which police said was rammed by Fishpaw, along with several golf carts.
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Finally, he secured his arm around her composite body and hoisted it into the back of a tiny pickup.
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Versailles chiropractor Brandon Wood said that on April 16, he saw the arm of a man in the bed of his pickup truck as he and his wife were getting out of the vehicle outside his office.
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The gunman gets on the back of a pickup truck and the camera pans to show the man who had been shot in the arm still moving.
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She was leaning on one arm and, with the other, was whacking at weeds with a hatchet and stuffing the clippings into a cardboard box for garbage pickup.