English language

How to pronounce physiological reaction in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms inborn reflex, innate reflex, instinctive reflex, reflex, reflex action, reflex response, unconditioned reflex
Type of reaction, response
Has types babinski reflex, babinski sign, belch, belching, blink, blinking, blush, breaking wind, burp, burping, defecation reflex, disgorgement, electric shock, electrical shock, emesis, eructation, eye blink, fart, farting, flatus, flush, gag reflex, goose bump, goose pimple, goose skin, goosebump, gooseflesh, gulp, gulping, hiccough, hiccup, horripilation, jump, knee-jerk reflex, knee jerk, light reflex, micturition reflex, miosis, mydriasis, myosis, myotactic reflex, nictation, nictitation, oscitance, oscitancy, patellar reflex, pharyngeal reflex, pilomotor reflex, plantar reflex, puking, pupillary reflex, rectal reflex, regurgitation, rooting reflex, shake, shiver, shock, singultus, sneeze, sneezing, start, startle, sternutation, stretch reflex, suckling reflex, tremble, vomit, vomiting, wind, wink, winking, yawn, accommodation reflex, yawning, babinski

Examples of physiological reaction

physiological reaction
Arousal is usually the term used to describe such a physiological reaction.
From the en.wikipedia.org
When we get too hungry, the normal physiological reaction is to overeat.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
It's as you say a physiological reaction, sometimes occuring without any obvious stimuli.
From the guardian.co.uk
The body's physiological reaction to time change may be complex.
From the sciencedaily.com
These served as a behavioral measure of physiological reaction potentially related to reward anticipation.
From the sciencedaily.com
Emotional memories are consciously available, but elicit a powerful, unconscious physiological reaction.
From the en.wikipedia.org
By contrast, patients with OFC dysfunction never develop this physiological reaction to impending punishment.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Housed in this physiological reaction, the needs of the person intersect, instantly, with the needs of the horse.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
Maybe it is that the horse needs nurturance, and the person needs to feel valued, and in that instant, there is a physiological reaction that is shared.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com