English language

How to pronounce permanency in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms permanence
Type of length, duration
Has types imperishingness, lastingness, durability, perdurability, perpetuity, sempiternity, strength, imperishableness, imperishability, immortality, enduringness
Derivation permanent

Examples of permanency

They offer none of the privacy of trailer parks, and even less of the permanency.
From the independent.co.uk
The future of the American idea has of course to do with the question of permanency.
From the theatlantic.com
While we wouldn't swear to its permanency, the nearly 7% dividend yield is enticing.
From the forbes.com
In minor ways he may even improve, for his records have relative permanency.
From the theatlantic.com
That, too, was a happy ending because the goal, Moreno said, is permanency.
From the chron.com
The permanency Mark and Tim promised was a striking contrast from his past.
From the cnn.com
The numbers that count are the ones that measure safety and permanency.
From the latimes.com
The second weakness of permanent fortification was its very permanency.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Georgetown College has a sense of permanency, with roots dating back to 1787, Earwood said.
From the kentucky.com
More examples
  • Permanence: the property of being able to exist for an indefinite duration
  • Arrangement which assures lasting care and parenting of a child and eliminates the need for further moves. In permanency planning, systematic efforts are made to find a child a safe and nurturing family setting expected to last a lifetime. ...
  • Permanency refers to a living arrangement that is intended to be permanent, rather than temporary, for example, adoption and reunification. Because foster care is intended to be temporary, caseworkers establish and work toward "permanency goals" for children in foster care.
  • The child is being released from SRS custody after achieving reintegration, guardianship, finalization of adoption, or OPPLA.
  • Makes certain spells permanent.
  • A structure will be considered permanent when it is connected to an approved permanent sewer and water system and is in compliance with local zoning laws.
  • The extent to which a team will remain together or be disbanded after a task has been accomplished.