English language

How to pronounce pellucid in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms crystal clear, limpid, lucid, luculent, perspicuous
Derivation pellucidity

pellucid prose.
Type Words
Synonyms crystal clear, crystalline, limpid, lucid, transparent
Derivation pellucidity, pellucidness

a pellucid brook.

Examples of pellucid

I took a long swim in the pellucid water and felt like the Pacific was mine alone.
From the guardian.co.uk
The child's marble, curving, pellucid, used to carry a mystery in its center.
From the theatlantic.com
Birds chattered in the trees and big fish darted through the pellucid depths.
From the en.wikipedia.org
It is an overcast day, but on a clear one the waters here are pellucid.
From the nzherald.co.nz
It is thought to be inadvisable to spend more than two hours contemplating its pellucid waters.
From the economist.com
His wonderful performance, with the orchestra pellucid and delicate in support, was really the concert's high point.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Opera star Tozzi sings with the richness of burnished bronze and Daniels complements him with her pellucid soprano.
From the time.com
Using low-dose radiation from one of his three X-ray machines, Veasey turned the supplies into pellucid still lifes.
From the lightbox.time.com
Indeed, the best rejoinder to Stout's occasionally flatulent, ivory-tower moralizing is Sherman's own stark, pellucid Memoirs.
From the theatlantic.com
More examples
  • Crystalline: transmitting light; able to be seen through with clarity; "the cold crystalline water of melted snow"; "crystal clear skies"; "could see the sand on the bottom of the limpid pool"; "lucid air"; "a pellucid brook"; "transparent crystal"
  • Limpid: (of language) transparently clear; easily understandable; "writes in a limpid style"; "lucid directions"; "a luculent oration"- Robert Burton; "pellucid prose"; "a crystal clear explanation"; "a perspicuous argument"
  • (pellucidity) clarity: free from obscurity and easy to understand; the comprehensibility of clear expression
  • (pellucidly) lucidly: in a clear and lucid manner; "this is a lucidly written book"
  • (pellucidness) passing light without diffusion or distortion
  • In the field of optics, transparency (also called pellucidity or diaphaneity) is the physical property of allowing light to pass through a material; translucency (also called translucence or translucidity) only allows light to pass through diffusely. The opposite property is opacity. ...
  • Allowing for the passage of light; transparent; easily understood; clear
  • (adj.) easily intelligible, clear (Wishing his book to be pellucid to the common man, Albert Camus avoided using complicated grammar when composing The Stranger.)
  • Transparently clear, either literally (as with glass) or figuratively (as with prose writing)