When Leader heard shots fired, she urged the peacekeeper to abandon the effort.
From the theatlantic.com
The UN complies and the last UN peacekeeper is out of Sinai and Gaza by May 19.
From the en.wikipedia.org
As a peacekeeper, Urquhart seems proudest of the U.N.'s long efforts in Africa.
From the time.com
It was unclear whether the peacekeeper who opened fire was alive, dead or injured.
From the charlotteobserver.com
A total of 100 protesters died and left 1 UN peacekeeper dead and another wounded.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Reuters reported that at least one Italian UN peacekeeper died in the attack.
From the guardian.co.uk
Given these limitations, what can the UN do to become a more efficient peacekeeper?
From the economist.com
It claims to be an impartial peacekeeper, but it has strong vested interests.
From the economist.com
During the seizure, the Serb forces injured a Ukrainian UNPROFOR peacekeeper.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
A member of a military force that is assigned (often with international sanction) to preserve peace in a trouble area
Someone who keeps peace; "she's the peacekeeper in that family"
The pistol of a law officer in the old West
(peacekeeping) the activity of keeping the peace by military forces (especially when international military forces enforce a truce between hostile groups or nations)
Peacekeepers are a galactic military organization in the fictional Farscape universe. Peacekeepers were originally a law enforcement agency, but have since become a private military company which employs their people as mercenary soldiers. ...
Peacekeeping is defined by the United Nations as "a unique and dynamic instrument developed by the Organization as a way to help countries torn by conflict create the conditions for lasting peace". It is distinguished from both peacebuilding and peacemaking.
(The Peacekeepers) The Peacekeepers is a '''' novel by Gene DeWeese. It is set at an undetermined point during the series' first season, prior to Tasha Yar's death in the episode "Skin of Evil".
(Peacekeepers) The military force of C'tarot and its colonies. The Peacekeepers are commanded by the archmage of the neiphiti, whose mission is to religiously uphold the laws of the T'torlan and lead the neiphiti back to their ancient homeland, Genova. ...
(The Peacekeepers) 3 issue mini-series, later published in one volume