Pashtun literature used to be full of romance and praise for the beauty of nature.
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Pashtun-Tajik anti-sentiments have lingered about but are more much more mild.
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Pashtun tribes like the Niazis and the Khakwanis, are integrated into Punjabi village life.
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Pashtun tribal loyalties are incredibly fluid and unpredictable, making long-term alliances unreliable.
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Pashtun kings ruled Afghanistan from its inception in 1747 until the overthrow of the monarchy in 1973.
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Pashtun nationalists hope to create their own homeland.
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Pashtun forces would also invade Persia and the opposing forces were defeated in the Battle of Gulnabad.
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Pashtun culture is mostly based on Pashtunwali and the use or understanding of the Pashto language.
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Pashtun culture is a unique blend of native customs with some influences from South and Western Asia.
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More examples
Pathan: a member of the mountain people living in the eastern regions of Afghanistan; "Pathans are the predominant ethnic group in Afghanistan"
Pathan: an ethnic minority speaking Pashto and living in northwestern Pakistan and southeastern Afghanistan
Pashto (English pronunciation: /u02C8pu028Cu0283tou028A/, rarely /u02C8pu00E6u0283tou028A/; Pashto: u067Eu069Au062Au0648 Paxu030Ctu014D ), also known in older literature as Afghu0101nu012B (u0627u0641u063Au0627u0646u0649) or Pau1E6Dhu0101nu012B, is the South-Central Asian language of the Pashtuns. Its speakers are called Pashtuns or Pukhtuns and sometimes Afghans or Pathans. It is an Eastern Iranian language, belonging to the Indo-European family...
Pashtun may refer to:
Pashtunistan (Pashto: u067Eu069Au062Au0648u0646u0633u062Au0627u0646u200E, Paxu030Ctu016Bnistu0101n; also called Pukhtunistan, or Pathanistan, meaning the "land of Pashtuns") or Greater Pashtunistan is the geographic region inhabited by the indigenous Pashtun people of modern-day Afghanistan and Pakistan...