English language

How to pronounce parking zone in English?

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Synonyms parking space
Type of space

Examples of parking zone

parking zone
Then photographers snapped Shriver illegally parking her Escalade in a red zone.
From the kentucky.com
Players walk through fans for 200 yards in parking lot behind the West end zone.
From the thestate.com
Parking outside the store used to be a one-hour zone that was strictly enforced.
From the thenewstribune.com
The council should make their driveways a free parking zone for a few weeks.
From the smh.com.au
It's a safety risk and against county rules to lay out in the parking zone.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Franklin says the nose of his Corvette was sticking into a no-parking zone.
From the newsday.com
They are protected from commuters by signs designating them as a restricted parking zone.
From the thenewstribune.com
She also received a ticket in 2001 for parking in a no-parking zone.
From the kansas.com
Residents can go through the same process to have a permit parking zone removed, Serlet said.
From the ocregister.com