Eliza had seen Mammy give her catnip tea and sometimes put a drop or two of paregoric in it.
From the al.com
In Eastern culture, opium is more commonly used in the form of paregoric to treat diarrhea.
From the en.wikipedia.org
The visual becomes even more apt after a slug of Poison, which tastes almost exactly like paregoric.
From the time.com
Some doctors give paregoric, an opium derivative that satisfies the child's need for a narcotic and controls withdrawal.
From the time.com
She fixed the warm catnip tea and reaching on the shelf picked up what appeared to be the paregoric bottle, but it was a laudanum bottle.
From the al.com
More examples
Medicine used to treat diarrhea
Paregoric, or camphorated tincture of opium, also known as tinctura opii camphorata, is a medication known for its antidiarrheal, antitussive, and analgesic properties.