Each kindergarten classroom is assigned a paraprofessional to help the teacher.
From the omaha.com
Positions ranging from secretary and custodian to paraprofessional are at risk.
From the delawareonline.com
Mackey is the best paraprofessional in the world, and I couldn't do it without her.
From the orlandosentinel.com
Cutting the full-time paraprofessional position at SES has done great harm.
From the timesunion.com
He will lose his medical license but he can go assist somewhere as a paraprofessional.
From the latimes.com
Shaun Fitch, 26, self employed, and Karen Clark, 34, paraprofessional, both of Toledo.
From the toledoblade.com
A trained paraprofessional can cost $35,000 to $45,000 a year, with benefits, he said.
From the boston.com
The applicants must meet State guidelines for paraprofessional status.
From the jobview.monster.com
It is essential that you reinstate the SES full-time library paraprofessional position.
From the timesunion.com
More examples
A trained worker who is not a member of a profession but who assists a professional
According to the law, a person who works under the direct supervision of a professional (e.g., teaching assistant); also includes persons who provide noneducational services for children with disabilities (e.g., school bus monitor, lunchroom aide, restroom assistant). ...
A person who assists with either an individual or a group. See also Teaching Assistant.
A lay person who serves as an aide, assisting the teacher in the classroom.
One whose position is either instructional in nature or who delivers other direct services to individuals and/or their parents. ...
A trained classroom assistant who works with a classroom teacher in the education process.
In clinical psychology, an individual lacking a doctoral degree but trained to perform certain functions usually reserved for clinicians, for example, a college student trained and supervised by a behavioural therapist to shape the behaviour of autistic children through contingent reinforcers.
Typically performs some of the duties of a professional or a technician in a support role, which usually requires less formal training and/or experience normally required for a professional or technical status. Usually requires an Associate degree, or business/vocational training.
A paraprofessional is a non-certificated staff member working in the classroom. Paraprofessionals often take on the role of assistant teacher and share a great deal of the responsibility in the classroom. ...