The result is a vastly popular, very interpretative, always readable paraphrase.
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To paraphrase Billy Joel, it just might be some lunatics the NHL is looking for.
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To paraphrase Ben Bernanke, extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures.
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The Internet, to paraphrase Rihanna, is no longer a hopeless place to find love.
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Yet, to paraphrase English poet Alexander Pope, hope does indeed spring eternal.
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To paraphrase the title of a Wilco song, she is also trying to break your heart.
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To paraphrase an idea, translate our diversity into future peace and prosperity.
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To paraphrase Hudson's Oscar-winning lyric, Idol is telling you it is not going.
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A paraphrase typically explains or clarifies the text that is being paraphrased.
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More examples
Express the same message in different words
Rewording for the purpose of clarification
A paraphrase /u02C8pu00E6ru0259freu026Az/ is a restatement of the meaning of a text or passage using other words. The term itself is derived via Latin paraphrasis from Greek u03C0u03B1u03C1u03ACu03C6u03C1u03B1u03C3u03B9u03C2, meaning "additional manner of expression". The act of paraphrasing is also called "paraphrasis".
Paraphrases are traditional forms of singing within Presbyterian churches. They are Biblical paraphrases lyrical renderings of sections of the Bible that have been set to music, in a similar fashion to Metrical Psalms.
A restatement of a text in different words, often to clarify meaning; a similar restatement as an educational exercise; to restate something as, or to compose a paraphrase
(paraphrasing) the restatement of a text by readers in their own words or in another form.
Paraphrasing is restating information in your own words.
(Paraphrasing) Things in the kitchen
(Paraphrasing) Think of it as plagiarism by another name. Changing a few of the words around in a quoted source does not suddenly make it your idea or thought. In fact, paraphrasing without proper citation IS plagiarism (which means you can still get in a whole bunch of trouble! ...