Lilian, the only daughter and fifth child, married parachute jumper Harry Proctor.
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A bridge spanning it was the site of a deadly stunt in 2003 when a parachute jumper miscalculated and fell.
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The driver's side of the car sustained a huge dent when a parachute jumper landing in the infield as part of pre-race activities swooped over the car.
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To gain canopy control of the T-10D parachute, the jumper reaches up, secures all four risers and simultaneously makes a 360 degree check of his canopy.
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To gain canopy control of the MC1-1D parachute, the jumper reaches up, secures both toggles and pulls them down to eye level, simultaneously making a 360-degree check of his or her canopy.
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Here, the scale of the parachute is in a more favorable proportion to the weight of the jumper.
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The jury said Clottemans acted with premeditation and that, as an accomplished jumper, she knew very well how to disable a parachute.
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You have to leap off your platform and unfurl your parachute as late as possible in order to become the first base jumper to reach the ground.
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Kevin P. Brennan, 42, an experienced jumper, died in June 2004 when he plunged 100 to 200 feet after having trouble with his parachute.