English language

How to pronounce panic-struck in English?

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Synonyms frightened, panic-stricken, panicked, panicky, terrified

Examples of panic-struck

Sunderland again drive it along the floor and again Stoke are struck by panic.
From the telegraph.co.uk
In a panic, the male victim tried to drive away but struck Svenson's house.
From the delawareonline.com
About 20 minutes later, panic struck and I realized what I had done.
From the tennessean.com
Panic struck the eastern coast of Sri Lanka when India sounded a red alert Thursday morning.
From the upi.com
It's hard to overstate the panic that struck Republicans last week after the loss in Mississippi.
From the dallasnews.com
I was particularly struck by seeing pictures of Chinese shoppers panic-buying salt or iodine tablets.
From the guardian.co.uk
Witnesses described a scenes of panic as pedestrians were thrown to the ground when the blast struck at 9.22am local time.
From the independent.co.uk
And then the wobbly holds struck, instigating panic for an eternity while nerve was plucked to pull on them.
From the guardian.co.uk
Panic struck the Gallic defenders, and they all fled for wherever they thought there was an avenue of escape.
From the en.wikipedia.org