His consultant at the pain unit he attends has diagnosed him with significant degenerative spinal disease and told him he is not fit to work.
From the guardian.co.uk
A patient entering the emergency room complaining of chest pain is automatically sent to the chest pain unit, where noninvasive tests such as an EKG or stress test are administered.
From the chron.com
He is now out of the intensive care unit, alert and on pain medications, she said.
From the stltoday.com
And Andrew Moore of the pain research unit at Oxford University says that even if it works for headaches, it is unlikely to diagnose other kinds of pain.
From the newscientist.com
The only way the USAF could make the issue and the pain go away was by closing the unit.
From the en.wikipedia.org
LiteCure CEO Brian Pryor holds a laser unit that treats patients for pain and inflammation.
From the delawareonline.com
Dr. Khare utilized a computer model with one standard patient, a 54-year old male, which is reflective of the average age and most prevalent gender of patients in the chest pain observation unit.
From the sciencedaily.com
Whether in the operating room, procedure room, intensive care unit or pain clinic, anesthesiologists are committed to patient safety.
From the sfgate.com
The pain of Abdul's death has resonated deep within the unit.