English language

How to pronounce overt in English?

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Synonyms open

an overt lie.
overt hostility.
overt intelligence gathering.

Examples of overt

The biggest weakness is its overt desire to be enjoyed by players of all skills.
From the post-gazette.com
His vice president, Chester Arthur, was, to put it bluntly, an overt party hack.
From the kansas.com
Their reason for this sort of overt racism is because we don't behave ourselves.
From the economist.com
In the bedroom it is decorative without being overt and adds a stylish flourish.
From the smh.com.au
The White House and State Department refused to offer the British overt support.
From the thisismoney.co.uk
The film makes no overt claims about the efficacy of facilitated communication.
From the newsweek.com
In Afghan political circles, overt criticism of Iran is often swiftly silenced.
From the stltoday.com
Menkhaus adds that the last thing Sheikh Sharif needs is overt Western backing.
From the time.com
This explains the sudden overt support for the Lansley NHS reforms by Mr Cameron.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
  • Open and observable; not secret or hidden; "an overt lie"; "overt hostility"; "overt intelligence gathering"; "open ballots"
  • (overtly) in an overt manner; "he did it overtly"
  • (Overtness) The Advanced Genius Theory: are they out of their minds or ahead of their time? is a 2010 U.S. nonfiction book by journalist Jason Hartley. It posits an explanation ("Advanced Theory") as to why well-established musicians in the past are now perceived as terrible or have "lost it". ...
  • Open and not secret nor concealed
  • (overtness) The state of being overt; openness
  • (Overts) there is the commission of an act which is overtly harmful to another or others. We are not now talking about the rightness or wrongness of the act or the intentions behind it, but simply the doing of it. These are often called Overts in Scientology.
  • A harmful act or a transgression against the moral code of a group. When a person does something that is contrary to the moral code he has agreed to, or when he omits to do something that he should have done per that moral code, he has committed an overt. An overt violates what was agreed upon. ...
  • Typically an animated ad that moves around the page and is superimposed on the web site content.
  • A sin or a crime. An act against the agreed-upon moral code of a group. An overt can be intentional or unintentional.