Obviously, osteocytic osteolysis is not available to the advanced teleosts, as they lack osteocytes.
From the nature.com
This phenomenon is known as osteolysis.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Early detection and treatment of wear particle-induced inflammation and bone loss in a mouse calvarial osteolysis model using HPMA copolymer conjugates.
From the sciencedaily.com
The children visiting this week have been diagnosed with idiopathic multicentric osteolysis, which has been identified in only 100 cases worldwide.
From the stltoday.com
Idiopathic multicentric osteolysis can be misdiagnosed because the joint pain and other symptoms mimic the more common juvenile rhematoid arthritis.
From the stltoday.com
Diminished ECM, however, is thought to underlie osteolysis, and so mutations in a gene whose product breaks down the extracellular matrix comes as something of a surprise.