Orthoclase crystals are found occasionally and they likely represent xenocrysts.
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Orthoclase, staurolite, pyrite, and fluorite often show penetration twinning.
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Microxenocrysts of orthoclase likely exist in andesite at Ring Mountain.
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Moonstone is composed of two feldspar species, orthoclase and albite.
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Other parts more rich in volatiles have formed pegmatites featuring milky quartz and pink orthoclase.
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Definitely not as high as orthoclase feldspar, mind.
From the guardian.co.uk
Its quartz and orthoclase elements grew together.
From the en.wikipedia.org
For example, orthoclase is typically feldspar from granite, while its modifications occur in lavas of similar composition.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Then, as the newly formed mineral cools, the intergrowth of orthoclase and albite separates into stacked, alternating layers.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
A white or colored monoclinic feldspar
Orthoclase (endmember formula KAlSi3O8) is an important tectosilicate mineral which forms igneous rock. The name is from the Greek for "straight fracture," because its two cleavage planes are at right angles to each other. Alternate names are alkali feldspar and potassium feldspar. ...
Potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi3O8, a common feldspar of igneous, plutonic, and metamorphic rocks. Orthoclase is the main feldspar of pegmatite occurrences, where it is most commonly flesh-colored. Orthoclase is used in the ceramic and glass industries and as a decorative gravel
(mineralogy) Orthoclase [ KAlSi3O8, potassium felspar, cleavages at right angles, Crystalline System : Monoclinic ]
One type of K-spar; KAlSi3O8; potassium endmember of feldspar ternary system [see albite, anorthite]; also called potash