English language

How to pronounce opprobrium in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms obloquy
Type of disgrace, ignominy, shame
Type Words
Synonyms infamy
Type of dishonor, dishonour
Derivation opprobrious

the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city.

Examples of opprobrium

What is there about hubristic behavior that brings about opprobrium and failure?
From the washingtontimes.com
Second, no amount of critical opprobrium has dented the box office of Mamma Mia!
From the chron.com
Think that pretty much sums up, despite the opprobrium poured on it by dararua.
From the guardian.co.uk
Bureaucrats may well start to replace bankers as a public target of opprobrium.
From the economist.com
Tebbit and Blaney's opprobrium appears to be shared by Britain's rightwing press.
From the time.com
Is it worth the opprobrium of my peers to join the pashmina patrol and vote Tory?
From the independent.co.uk
The opprobrium Lang faces in his exile is also something Polanski will recognise.
From the independent.co.uk
Indeed Prince Charles more often than not attracts opprobrium for doing just that.
From the globalspin.blogs.time.com
Others think the prime minister is pushing him forward to take the opprobrium.
From the economist.com
More examples
  • Obloquy: state of disgrace resulting from public abuse
  • Infamy: a state of extreme dishonor; "a date which will live in infamy"- F.D.Roosevelt; "the name was a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city"
  • Opprobrium is a death metal band from Metairie, Louisiana. Founded in 1986 by brothers Francis and Moyses Howard under the name Incubus, Natives of Rio de Janeiro, the Howards emigrated to New Orleans and formed the band. ...
  • Disgrace arising from exceedingly shameful conduct; ignominy; Scornful reproach or contempt; A cause of shame or disgrace
  • (n) - contempt, scorn; disgrace