English language

How to pronounce odorous in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms odoriferous

odorous salt pork and weevily hardtack.
Type Words
Synonyms odoriferous, perfumed, scented, sweet, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling

the odorous air of the orchard.
Type Words
Derivation odor

odorous jasmine flowers.
odorous garbage.
fresh odorous bread.

Examples of odorous

I have tried to make the Catholic universe of evil palpable, tangible, odorous.
From the time.com
For about $12 an hour, they tend to oozing, odorous sores and soiled clothing.
From the freep.com
Nothing too odorous, just fragrant enough so the space doesn't reek of sweat.
From the signonsandiego.com
He regarded blacks as odorous, intellectually inferior and incapable of creating art.
From the washingtonpost.com
Thank you for prominently, responsibly reporting this odorous transaction.
From the signonsandiego.com
The most odorous compound in the mixture is a methyl-branched hexanoic acid, he said.
From the newscientist.com
Heavily soiled food preparation areas and full or odorous garbage cans.
From the post-gazette.com
The male pig produces hormones and certain odorous substances necessary for reproduction.
From the sciencedaily.com
Lucy had vanished, and I was now sitting alone with the incriminating, odorous evidence.
From the usatoday.com
More examples
  • Having odor or a characteristic odor; "odorous jasmine flowers"; "odorous garbage"; "fresh odorous bread"
  • Odoriferous: having a natural fragrance; "odoriferous spices"; "the odorous air of the orchard"; "the perfumed air of June"; "scented flowers"
  • An odor or odour is caused by one or more volatilized chemical compounds, generally at a very low concentration, that humans or other animals perceive by the sense of olfaction. Odors are also called scents, which can refer to both pleasant and unpleasant odors. ...
  • Having a distinctive odor