Those may be legitimate concerns, but it also sounds like gentle obstructionism.
From the
In facing down such obstructionism, Mr Singh needs to keep three things in mind.
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But more than once recently, he has railed against bureaucratic obstructionism.
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What he met was an unusual level of obstructionism by the Republican Senate bloc.
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Now what you call obstructionism, some, myself included, would call principles.
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Leahy said today he will press ahead and accused Republicans of obstructionism.
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That obstructionism was on amazing display at the recent NATO summit in Istanbul.
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What, besides the Chinese government's obstructionism, will spoil the picture?
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By instinct, many Lib Dems are drawn to obstructionism atop the moral high ground.
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More examples
Deliberate interference
(obstructionist) someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take
Obstructionism or policy of obstruction denotes the deliberate interference with the progress of a legislation by various means such as filibustering or slow walking which may depend on the respective parliamentary procedures.
Someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take