English language

How to pronounce obstruction in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms impediment, impedimenta, obstructer, obstructor
Type of structure, construction
Has types obstacle, blockade, incumbrance, interference, blockage, hitch, occlusion, stop, block, hinderance, preventive, hindrance, preventative, barrier, closure, stoppage, tumbler, encumbrance, bar
Type Words
Synonyms obstacle
Type of impediment, baulk, check, deterrent, handicap, hinderance, hindrance, balk
Has types barrier, hurdle, hitch, roadblock, rub, snag, hang-up, stymie, stymy

the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan.
Type Words
Synonyms blockage
Type of physiological state, physical condition, physiological condition
Has types tamponage, intestinal obstruction, tamponade, ileus
Type Words
Type of maneuver, manoeuvre, play
Has types blocking, check, block
Type Words
Type of hindrance, interference, hinderance
Has types closure, blockage, stall, stalling, obstruction of justice, occlusion
Derivation obstruct

obstruction of justice.

Examples of obstruction

The former baseball player was convicted of one count of obstruction of justice.
From the sacbee.com
What, besides the identity of our current president, justifies this obstruction?
From the sacbee.com
He has pleaded not guilty to federal perjury and obstruction-of-justice charges.
From the stltoday.com
They were two avid Bush supporters and are now part of the GOP obstruction plan.
From the freep.com
That episode led to his impeachment and Senate trail for obstruction of justice.
From the cnn.com
These can lead to obstruction of major vessels, causing heart attack and stroke.
From the sciencedaily.com
I think they've made their point clear about what is obstruction and what isn't.
From the couriermail.com.au
Building new on a new site would be quicker and present less obstruction to all.
From the theargus.co.uk
Baker's wife, Elisa, is being held in jail on charges of obstruction of justice.
From the charlotteobserver.com
More examples
  • Any structure that makes progress difficult
  • The physical condition of blocking or filling a passage with an obstruction
  • Obstacle: something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted; "lack of imagination is an obstacle to one's advancement"; "the poverty of a district is an obstacle to good education"; "the filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan"
  • The act of obstructing; "obstruction of justice"
  • Getting in someone's way
  • (obstruct) hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of; "His brother blocked him at every turn"
  • In baseball, when a fielder illegally hinders a baserunner, the fielder is guilty of obstruction .
  • (Obstructions) Narrowing of an anastomosis or a part of the gastrointestinal tract that slows down the normal passage of food or waste.
  • (6. Obstructions) refer to artificial movable or immovable objects, which hinder the flow of the game. An immovable obstruction can refer to a sprinkler while an immovable obstruction can refer to a thing that can be moved. Of course, it does not include boundary markers.