As we said, the nutgrass will come back up, but at least you have a level start.
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Before we get to our expert answers, some clarification on what nutgrass actually is.
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Nutgrass is very resistant to herbicides, but your other plants are not.
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Keep it there for at least a year to block out sunlight and starve the nutgrass to death.
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It is expensive, and I tried it two times, but the nutgrass grew back with a vengeance.
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My garden, as well as many of my neighbors', is overrun by nutgrass.
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If you pull the nutgrass, 99 percent of the time the root breaks above the nut, which regenerates.
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I know nutgrass is impossible to get rid of, but because of the vacant lot next door, I give up.
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Bonide Sedge Ender is an effective control of nutgrass and sedges.
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More examples
A widely distributed perennial sedge having small edible nutlike tubers
Cyperus is a large genus of about 600 species of sedges, distributed throughout all continents in both tropical and temperate regions. They are annual or perennial plants, mostly aquatic and growing in still or slow-moving water up to 0.5 m deep. ...